Payment Policy:

Our payment policy is designed to help guests understand how to book and pay for a property:

Select a property and complete the booking form.
An email with your request will be sent to us.
We contact the property owner to check availability for your selected dates.
You receive an email confirming availability, including a payment link valid for 48 hours before the check-in date.
Use the payment link to pay for the entire stay; failure to use the link within the specified time will result in automatic booking cancellation.
Rebooking and Refund Policy:

This policy explains how we assist with rebooking and handle refunds in various scenarios:

Host Cancels before Check-in:

48 hours prior: Full refund and assistance finding a similar property.
30 days or less: Contact us for assistance in finding comparable or better accommodations.
Other Travel Issues:

Report within 48 hours of discovery.
Severity determines the refund amount, considering impact, affected stay portion, and guest’s decision to vacate.
If guest vacates, we offer assistance for the remaining nights.
Covered Travel Issues:

The term “Travel Issue” covers situations such as host cancellations, lack of access, undisclosed presence, or uninhabitable conditions at check-in.

How Claims Work:

To be eligible for rebooking assistance or a refund, guests must submit a claim within 48 hours of discovering the Travel Issue, supported by evidence. We assess claims by evaluating available evidence.

Impact on Hosts:

If a host cancels or a Travel Issue disrupts a stay, the host receives no payout. We confirm guest claims with hosts, who can dispute Travel Issues.

Additional Considerations:

The Policy applies to reservations made on or after the Effective Date, taking precedence over cancellation policies.
Guests must notify hosts and attempt issue resolution before submitting a claim.
Refunds may be adjusted based on relief provided by hosts. Rebooking assistance may include payment for new accommodations or applying the value of a canceled reservation.
Late reporting of Travel Issues may be allowed in certain cases.
Travel Issues caused by guests, co-travelers, or pets are not covered. Fraudulent claims violate our Terms of Service.
Binding Decisions:

Decisions under this Policy are binding and do not affect other rights. This is not insurance, and no premium is paid. All Policy obligations are personal and may not be transferred. Changes to the Policy will follow our Terms of Service.